Online or e-therapy is when a therapist/psychologist offers psychological services via any one of a number of digital platforms which can include Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp voice and video call, or telephonically.
At a time when most people are shut in their homes due to countrywide and worldwide lockdowns, the internet offers an opportunity for therapist and client to interact in real-time and, ideally, still provide the face-to-face therapy that clients may be looking for.
E-therapy is not psychotherapy or psychological counselling per se since it does not presume to diagnose or treat mental disorders. However, e-therapy is flexible enough to address many difficulties (such as life and relationship issues) which clients present to the online therapist.
The same ethical rules apply as they would do in other therapeutic settings, most importantly CONFIDENTIALITY. The therapist still upholds to protect your personal information and keep it confidential. A therapy contract will still be put in place.