When all is said and done (and it may have been a lot) You made it. No one can take that away from you.
When all is said and done (and it may have been a lot) You made it. No one can take that away from you.
I like to tell people I'm in the business of change. I believe that everyone has a great capacity for changing their circumstances and adjusting to new ones. This has never been more prevalent than at a time where we are all aware of how the world is changing and what we've become accustomed ...
It's important to find/make some structure to your day during the lockdown. While I talk more about this in another post, I wanted to share with you my form of art therapy. Art therapy is a great way to quieten the mind and spend your time in a meditative practice. The art if do ...
Everyone has moments when they look at the way they behaved and think to themselves, "Wow, really?" It is important to remember that a bad response to something or a poor way of dealing with a challenge does not define a person. It may be one moment or many but one thing it is not ...
What a lovely way to explain introversion.
There seems to be no better time than the present to do a touch of spring-cleaning. It’s one of those ideal situations when what doesn’t get finished today can still be continued tomorrow, and possibly the day after that. Cleaning out is not just about de-cluttering but is also known to have notable psychological ...
During this oh so difficult period there are so many losses - loss of freedom, loss of human contact, losses financially and economically, loss of so many precious lives. Perhaps you can think of something you can be grateful for. Your answers may inspire and comfort others.